Gaps between Teeth Bigger and Black Triangles Appearing After Orthodontic Treatment? Stephen Chang: Improving by The Interproximal Reduction and Porcelain Veneers would be the best choice
Dean of Dr. Rabbit Dentist Stephen Chang suggests that patients fix the misalignment problem before using porcelain veneers to achieve better results and prevent irreversible damage.
牙齒美白的選擇 (下)
想要擁有一口亮白牙齒?你有以下的療程可選擇哦! I. 噴砂美白 屬於一種物理性美白,主要療效為恢復牙齒『原色』,能使牙齒較為亮白,但無法改變牙齒的『色階』,適合長期因煙垢、茶垢、食物色素造成牙齒顏色偏黃或產生一塊塊無法靠刷牙洗牙解決的色塊的患者。