How long should you wear a retainer? Dean of Dr. Rabbit Dental Clinic Stephen Chang shares some cleaning and maintenance tips after orthodontic treatment
How long do you have to wear a retainer to keep the teeth aligned at all times? Wearing a retainer for as long as possible can consolidate the bonding between the tooth root and the surrounding bone..jpg)
Gaps between Teeth Bigger and Black Triangles Appearing After Orthodontic Treatment? Stephen Chang: Improving by The Interproximal Reduction and Porcelain Veneers would be the best choice
Dean of Dr. Rabbit Dentist Stephen Chang suggests that patients fix the misalignment problem before using porcelain veneers to achieve better results and prevent irreversible damage.
開業執業之外 隱形矯正學會顧問張箭球暢談牙醫生涯規劃
想讓牙齒變美變整齊,卻不知道要去哪裡找好醫生?同是隱適美牙套,但醫生技術不同,最後的矯正結果也會大不相同哦!瑞比牙醫診所院長/隱適美鑽石級醫師/前隱形矯正學會理事長:張箭球 醫師處理過各種複雜案例,二十五年矯正經驗,讓您擁有完美笑容,找回自信!諮詢週:2020/6/8(一)~2020/6/13(六)♦擬定完整治療計劃♦X光詳細分析牙齒情況♦分享與您相似的案例做參考♦兒童、青少年及成人皆可評估預約專線:(02)2720-2202Line: @0227202202地址:台北市莊敬路474號2F◊ 歡迎 來電或成為LINE好友 預約諮詢哦 ◊
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Use Veneers Properly! Dr. Stephen Chang: “Porcelain Veneers are the Last Mile of Dental Aesthetics”
A confident smile has a significant impact on the first impression and people with white teeth usually give the impression of being self-disciplined and good hygiene. Stephen Chang, founder of TAAO (Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontists) and Dean of Dr. Rabbit, has noticed a craze for porcelain veneers among celebrities and business executives in recent years as white teeth can improve...
Stephen Chang: Invisalign is the Best Investment You Can Make in Yourself!
好牙齒美一輩子!張箭球:「『隱適美』是給自己的最好投資!」 Healthy Teeth Give You a Beautiful Smile for a Lifetime! Stephen Chang: Invisalign is the Best Investment You Can Make in Yourself!