How long should you wear a retainer? Dean of Dr. Rabbit Dental Clinic Stephen Chang shares some cleaning and maintenance tips after orthodontic treatment
How long do you have to wear a retainer to keep the teeth aligned at all times? Wearing a retainer for as long as possible can consolidate the bonding between the tooth root and the surrounding bone..jpg)
Gaps between Teeth Bigger and Black Triangles Appearing After Orthodontic Treatment? Stephen Chang: Improving by The Interproximal Reduction and Porcelain Veneers would be the best choice
Dean of Dr. Rabbit Dentist Stephen Chang suggests that patients fix the misalignment problem before using porcelain veneers to achieve better results and prevent irreversible damage.
A High-paying Job and High Quality of Life? Stephen Chang Shares his Career Life as a Dentist
People thinking dentistry is a dream career. Dr. Rabbit Dentist Stephen Chang tells the story of his career as a dentist. He said “Don’t stick with tradition. Go with the flow,” and encourage senior dentists to embrace new technology.
What is the best age to start orthodontic treatment? Stephen Chang: 7 to 10 years old!
When should kids start orthodontic treatment, after the transitional period is over or as early as possible? Dean of Dr. Rabbit Dentist Stephen Chang says mixed dentition period is the best time for orthodontic treatment and Invisalign can be used.
Stephen Chang: Dental Implant Isn’t the Only Option for Edentulous Patients. Invisalign is an Alternative Solution.
According to Stephen Chang, founder of TAAO (Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontists) and Dean of Dr. Rabbit, edentulism not only affects facial appearance and destroys the balance in the oral cavity but also causes headache and neck/shoulder pain.